Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Mexico City and Michoacan

So Mexico City and Michoacan are both not as scary as I thought they would be. First we spent 2 days in Mexico City, which was pretty interesting. We went to Frida Kahlo`s house and this really cool old castle....I can`t remember the name though. The metro there is a little scary though. People are crammed in like sardines and some of us almost got stuck getting off because they were so crowded. The assistant that came with us did get robbed on the metro though. She went by herself though which was probably not a very good idea. We also went to the movie theater in Mexico City and that was kind of fun to see a movie in spanish there. I missed popcorn so much! And after the movie Mexico had just won a soccer game against Honduras so there were a ton of people celebrating in the street....soccer is a big deal here so it was really cool to see. Me and Alex were the only white girls in the group we were walking with (well actually the only white girls there at all) and we definitely stood out. Some guys actually came up and took our picture.

Now we are in Morelia, which is in the state of Michoacan and the city is really beautiful. They scared us by telling us that they wanted to cancel this part of the trip because it`s so dangerous, but I dont think it`s that bad. It`s kind of like Seattle...I wouldn`t walk by myself at night but the days are fine. But we aren't allowed to go to the celebration to night for the Mexican Independence day because there was a bomb last year. So instead we are all going to some restaurant to celebreate.

My house here is really nice. We are all staying with pretty rich families. I did have a bit of a scare though because me and my friend were walking around and I cut my foot open on the cement. SInce it was bleeding I decided to go back to my house to get a bandaid, but when I opened the door the house alarm went off. It was so loud and she never told me how to turn it off so we were freaking out! I had to call her and she had to drive home really fast. Luckily she showed up right before the cops got there. I dont know what I would have done if the cops had shown up because I haven`t exactly heard great things about the cops here.

Other than that everything is going great. We have SO much homework here though! We have a ton of articles to read every night and one night it adds up to 200 pages. There is no way I can read that much in spanish in one night. I am so ready to come home though. I think four weeks is a little to long for me to be gone. It probably wouldn`t be so bad except that we are always so busy I just feel like I`m not even enjoying the stuff we are doing anymore because I am so exhausted. It would also be nice if I could call home, but the phone that I bought here (which is a pay as you go phone) won`t call the U.S., even though it worked when I first got it. And I have a calling card from someone, but I can`t get that to work on any of the pay phones either. So now I have spent about $70 and about an hour trying to talk to the people who sell the phone and I can`t get it to work. It`s very frustrating. Ok, well that`s all for now! I will try to write once more before I leave, but if not then I will be home Saturday!


  1. Glad to see everything is ok in Michoacon, sorry to hear about the phone issue but just have fun and you can fill us in when you return. Are you taking lots of pictures? It does sound like a beautiful area, well have fun and we will see ya in a few days. stay safe
    Love Dad

  2. Hello Sweetie, great to hear that you are safe. Too bad about the assistant being robbed. And great your group can keep together. Be so careful with that foot, I know you brought the anti biotic ointment.
